Ai Ye (Artemisiae argyi Folium)


Ai Ye (Artemisiae argyi Folium)

from $29.00

Steam distilled Artemisiae argyi Folium
(Mugwort leaf, Argy wormwood leaf)

AI YE ( Artemisiae argyi Folium, mugwort leaf, argy wormwood leaf)

Our Ai Ye essential oil with it's pungent flowery and earthy aroma generates a warm, steady hum around the ears that then fills the abdomen and continues deep to the core giving one a feeling of stability and peace.

Best quality Artemisia wormwood has thick, soft leaves which are dark green on the top, white underneath, covered with small oil producing glands and have an intensely aromatic fragrance.

Wormwood leaves are gathered on a warm dry day in spring and summer when the plant is in flower and dried in the shade. This Ai Ye essential oil is steam distilled.

In Chinese medicine, the herb is considered to be deeply warming. It ”enters the three channels of Liver, Spleen and Kidney as yang within blood." (Ben Cao Shu Gou Xuan)

Ai Ye has many uses in gynecology and obstetrics including regulating menstrual bleeding, cramping, pain, infertility, and stabilizing pregnancy for example. Ai Ye essential oil stimulates FSH and LH.

Hypoactive pituitary gland with symptoms like poor appetite, low libido, dull headaches, low stamina and endurance may be aided with the use of this essential oil.

Benefits for the skin include eczema and itching.

Artemisiae argy is also an effective insect repellent.

Practitioners may consider blending with Gan Jiang (zingiberis) essential oil for prolonged uterine bleeding due to cold and with Xiang Fu (Cyperii), Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum walliciii and Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis) essential oils for abdominal pain and irregular menstruation due to cold and deficiency.

Essential oil of Ai Ye has been shown to be helpful for various respiratory disorders such as cough, phlegm, wheezing and allergies. Used topically (always diluted properly), or inhaled (see Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, Chen and Chen, pp 600-602 for details.)

Note: middle

TCM Category: regulating blood, stop bleeding

Channels entered: TCM: Liver, Spleen, Kidney. As an essential oil also Lung.

Major chemical components: Monoterpene ether oxide: 1-8 cineole (eucalyptol). Monoterpenes: pinene, cymene, phellandrene, camphene. Monoterpene Ketones: camphor. Ketone: artemisia ketone. Sesquiterpenes: selinene, caryophyllene. Monoterpene alchohols: borneol, terpineol. Triterpenoids. Diterpenes.

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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