Bai Yu Lan Ye (Magnolia denudata Folium)


Bai Yu Lan Ye (Magnolia denudata Folium)

from $12.00

Steam distilled Magnolia denudata Folium
White Jade Leaf

The bright floral, citrusy and light spice aroma of Bai Yu Lan Ye essential oil is literally mouth watering, clarifying, and euphoric. Since ancient times in China, the Magnolia denudate tree was considered to be a symbol of purity, cultivated in temple gardens. It's Chinese name, "White Jade” tells us that it has an affinity with the metal element and that, like jade, it helps to bring about the completion of a transformative process.

Clearing and supporting the metal element, Bai Yu Lan Ye transforms phlegm, expels wind damp and descends Lung Qi.

Bai Yu Lan Ye brings mental clarity and brightens the mood, transforming the fog and mist that can encumber or dampen the spirit.

Its nature dries damp terrane to kill paracites and yeast overgrowth.

Helps to regenerate dead tissue

By regulating Qi and Blood, and calming pain, Bai Yu Lan Ye essential oil is especially useful topically for fibromyalgia and other syndromes where hypersensitivity to pain is a factor. It's especially high linalool content gives it anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperalgesic, antinociceptive properties. (In psychology, the term anti-nociceptive refers to a unique factor that increases tolerance for or reduces sensitivity to a dangerous or harmful stimuli, as in the case, for example, of a post traumatic stress trigger.

Magnolia leaf’s beneficial effect on inflammation and hypersensitivity along with expelling wind damp make it ideal to treat allergies. A drop may be added to a nettie pot with a light saline solution as a nasal, sinus wash.

Note: Middle

TCM Category: Expel Wind Damp

Channels entered: Lung and Spleen

Major known chemical constituent: Monoterpene alcohol: linalool [2]. Sesquiterpene: germacrene. Sesquiterpene alcohol: eudesmol. Monoterpene: pinene. Ester: Bornyl acetate (an ester of Borneol).

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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