Organic Bo He (Peppermint)


Organic Bo He (Peppermint)

from $12.00

Steam distilled origanic Menthae haplocalysis Heba
(field mint, peppermint)

Compare with our Jiao Yang Bo He

The classic fresh, pungent peppermint aroma of our steam distilled Bo He is immediately expansive, stimulating and cooling. It quickly opens the nasal passages, brighten the eyes and lifts the mood.

Practitioners may consider adding Bo He as a top note to essential oils blends for symptoms of wind heat fever and congestion or to facilitate the flow of liver Qi and relax the emotions. Bo He oil may also be helpful to relieve itching.

For headache, blending Bo He and Chuan Xiong essential oils and applying locally has been found to be quite effective and fast acting.

Dilution: 2-8% (test for sensitivity with higher dilutions)

Note: Top

TCM category: Releasing exterior wind heat

Channels Entered: Lung, Liver

Major chemical components: Monoterpene alcohol: menthol. Monoterpene ketones: menthone, pulegone. Ester: menthyl acetate. Monoterpene ether oxide: 1-8 cineole (eucalyptol).

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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