Zi Su Zi (Fructus Perillae)


Zi Su Zi (Fructus Perillae)

from $12.00

CO2 extracted Fructus Perillae
(Perilla Fruit, Perilla Seed)

The subtle aroma of Zi Su Zi essential oil is rich and nutty with a slightly bitter base and a light pungent top. Its energy travels downward from the nose into the chest where it opens and stimulates.

Zi Su Zi very specifically benefits the Lung. Its function in Chinese medicine is to stop coughing and wheezing by dissolving phlegm and directing the Lung Qi down ward. It is widely used in traditional herbal formulas for asthmatic and cough conditions of various types.

As an example, in the case of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest discomfort due to cold phlegm obstructing the lungs, practitioners may consider diffusing a blend of Zi Su Zi essential oil with oils of Xing Ren (Semen Armenicae), Hou Po (Cortex Magnolia officinalis) and White Pine or Gui Zhi/Gui Ye (Cinnamon twig and leaf).

To add a more aromatic Lung opening effect for diffusers think of blending with Eucalyptus or Pine.

Note: Base

TCM Category: Relieve Coughing and Wheezing, Transform Phlegm

Channels Entered: Lung and Large Intestine

Major Chemical Components: Monoterpene aldehyde: perillaldehyde. Sesquiterpenes: caryophyllene, farnesene. Phenol (Phenylpropanoid): eugenol. Fatty acids: Palmitic acid , oleolic acid, linoleic acid. Monoterpene Ketone: * perilla ketone.

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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